Friday, December 27, 2013

Danso (단소) Performance - 제주 오돌독 (둥그레 당실)

An up-tempo folk song originating from Jeju Island (southern-most point of Korea).  It may originate from songs of 사당패 (Korean circus group) as the first verse resembles that of the "circus" song.  The rest of the song describes the landscape of the Jeju Island.

Lyrics in Korean

Verse 1
오돌또기 저기 춘향 나온다. 달도 밝고 내가 머리로 갈거나.

둥그래 당실 둥그래 당실
너도 당실 원자머리로 달도 밝고 내가 머리로 갈거나.

Verse 2
한라산 어리에 시러미 익은 숭 만 숭, 서귀포 해녀는 바당에 든 숭 만 숭

Verse 3
제주야 한라산 고사리 맛도 좋고 좋고, 읍내야 축항(築港) 끝 뱃놀이 듣기도 좋고 좋다.

Verse 4
성산포 일출봉 해 돋는 구경도 좋고 좋고, 읍내야 사라봉 해 지는 구경도 좋고 좋다.

Verse 5
청사초롱에 불 밝혀 들고 춘향의 집을 찾아나 갈거나

Verse 6
한라산 꼭대기 실안개 돈 듯 만 듯, 흰모래 사장에 궂은비 온 듯 만 듯

Source: Naver Encyclopedia and Daum Encyclopedia

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Danso (단소) Performance - 아리랑 낭낭 (Arirang Rang-Rang)

A new folksong composed by Gyo-Sung Kim (김교성).  Based on Arirang, it is about a nostalgia for past love.

Lyrics in Korean

봄이 오는 아리랑 고개
임이 오는 아리랑 고개
가는님은 밉상이요
오는님은 곱상이라네
아리 아리랑 아리랑 고개는
님 오는 고개
넘어 넘어도
우리님만은 안넘어와요

Thursday, September 26, 2013

From the 38 Latin Stories - The Curse of Atreus

Atreus and Thyestes were sons of Pelops.   Thyestes seduces the wife of Atreus; then Atreus discovers the vice and could not tolerate it.  Therefore, he thinks of treachery against the brother: "I am full of anger!  Therefore, I will kill and cut up little sons of my brother.  Then, I will cook the limbs and will give the dinner to Thyestes."  He kills the boys; Thyestes sees his dead sons on the table.  O, wretched Thyestes!  You now have nothing.  But, O, Atreus, becuase of your great vices, your sons will pay the great penalties.  Your old sins will remain in the soul of your sons;  it will be everlasting.  What ought we to think about your treacheries, O, Atreus?  You could not overcome your anger;  therefore, your fame will always be bad.  A few good men will praise you and your life, but many will blame them.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Danso (단소) Performance - 강원도 아리랑

강원도 아리랑 (Kang-Won Province Arirang)

A variation of Arirang from Kang-Won province.  Along with Jeong-Seon Arirang, this is a representative of Arirang from Kang-Won area.  It is often sung during rice planting and describes the scenes from daily lives in a very lyrical way.

Source: Naver

Lyrics in Korean (Source: National Gug-Ak Centre)

Refrain: 아리아리 쓰리쓰리 아라리요 아리랑 얼씨구 놀다 가세
(아리랑 고개로 넘어 간다)

Verse 1:
아주까리 동백아 열지 마라 누구를 괴자고 머리에 기름
열라는 콩 팥은 왜 아니 열고, 아주까리 동백은 왜 여는가
산중의 귀물(貴物)은 머루나 다래, 인간의 귀물(貴物)은 나 하나라

Verse 2:
흙물의 연꽃은 곱기만 한다 세상이 흐려도 나 살 탓이지
감꽃을 주우며 헤어진 사랑, 그 감이 익을 땐 오마던 사랑
만나보세 만나보세 만나보세, 아주까리 정자(亭子)로 만나보세

Verse 3:
아주까리 정자는 구경 자리, 살구나무 정자로 만나 보세
아리랑고개다 주막집 짓고 정든 임 오기만 기다린다
붉게 핀 동백꽃 보기도 좋고 수줍은 처녀의 정열도 같네

Verse 4:
사랑에 겨워서 등을 밀었더니 가고나 영절(永絶)애 무소식이로다
봄바람 불어서 꽃피건마는 고달픈 이 신세 봄 오나마나
영창(暎窓)에 비친 달 다 지도록 온다던 그 임은 왜 아니 오나

Verse 5:
풀벌레 구슬피 우는 밤에 다듬이 소리도 처량쿠나
울타릴 꺾으면 나온다더니 행랑챌 부숴도 왜 아니 나와
목화송이 따면서 맹세턴 그 임 훌훌히 떠난 후 소식이 없네 [네이버 지식백과] 강원도아리랑 (국악정보, 2010.7, 국립국악원)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

From the 38 Latin Stories - The Adventures of Io

Jupiter, the king of gods, was in love with beautiful Io, but was in fear of the anger of Juno.  Therefore, he changed the form of Io: "Juno will not see a woman, but a cow," Jupiter was thinking.  Juno was no fool: "Have you got a gift, my men? Will you give the beautiful cow do Juno?  Give it to me, if you love me!"  Therefore, Jupiter gave the cow to Juno.  Great watchman, Argus, was staying with the cow.  Argus had a hundred eyes.  Mercury overcame Argus, but Io was not yet free: a bad gadfly remained with the cow.  Io was through the land; was seen by many people, but was not having her true form.  Wretched woman! Will you always have a form of cow? Is your punishment not enough?

The anger of Juno was not eternal.  Jupiter gave the human form to Io; them Io gave birth to a son.  You will see the hundred eyes of Argus in the tail of a peacock.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

From 38 Latin Stories - The Tragic Story of Phaethon

Phaethon is a son of Phoebus.  A friend doubts about the rumour of divine origin of Phaethon: "No one is a son of a god.   You do not have gift of gods.  Your story is not true."  A great anger moves Phaethon: "I am a son of a god!  Phoebus, give me a sign!"  calls Phaethon.  Phoebus hears the boy and flies from the heaven without delay.  "O my son, what do you desire?"  Phoebus inquires.  "Money, wisdom? A life without cares?"  Phaethon responds, "I desire to have reins and drive a chariot to the sun."  O foolish boy!  Bad is your plan.  You ought not desire the office of the gods.  Phoebus warns his son, but boy does not see the great danger.  The horses are strong;  Phaethon is not.  A chariot without true master goes astray in the sky.  What do we see?  Phaethon falls from the sky.  O, what bad fortune!

From 38 Latin Stories - Pandora's Box

My Translation 

Iapetus has two sons, Prometheus and Epimetheus.  Prometheus is a man of great wisdom; Epimetheus is a man without wisdom.  Jupiter gives a beautiful woman, Pandora, to Epimetheus.  Prometheus often warns Epimetheus about Pandora: "O, Epimetheus, you are going astray!  You do not see the danger.  You must not accept the woman."  Epimetheus loves Pandora; he does not think about the danger.  Jupiter gives a box to Epimetheus; he is not permitted to open the box.  But Pandora is curious: "What is in the box? Much Money? A great number of jewels?"  The woman opens the box.   Many forms of evil fly out and wander away!  But Pandora saves the hope in the box.  Even if life is full of evils, we always have hope.

The original Latin text from 38 Latin Stories.

New Series - Readings and Translations of 38 Latin Stories

One of the things that I have wanted to do for long time, but have not manage to do to this day, is going through Wheelock's Latin.  Hence, as a new series of posts, I will try to post works related to my work on this great text book.

To be more specific, I will be posting my readings and translations of the stories from a wonderful companion to Wheelock's Latin - Groton's and May's 38 Latin Stories.  These are abbreviated versions of classic Greek and Roman stories that reflects the grammatical concept learn in each chapter of the Wheelock's Latin.

For those interested in learning Latin, I highly recommend these two books, and hope you enjoy these posts.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Danso (단소) Performance - 박연폭포

개성난봉가 (박연폭포) - Love song of Gae-Seong or Pak-Yeon Fall

A folk song from Hwang-Hae Province (part of modern North Korea).  It is known as love song due to last word in the refrain and alternative title of Pak-Yeon Fall is because the first word of the first verse. Source: Naver

Lyrics in Korean (Source: 한국민족문화대백과)

Verse 1:
박연폭포 흘러가는 물은 범사정으로 감돌아 든다
Verse 2:
박연폭포가 제 아무리 깊다 해도 우리네 양인(兩人)의 정만 못 하리라
Verse 3:
삼십장(三十丈) 단애(斷崖)에서 비류(飛流)가 직하(直下)하니 박연이 되어서 범사정을 감도네.
Verse 4:
월백설백천지백(月白雪白天地白)하니 산심야심객수심(山深夜深客愁深)이로다
Verse 5:
슬슬 동풍에 궂은 비 오고 시화연풍(時和年豊)님 섞여 노잔다
Verse 6:
주린 백성을 배에다 싣고 건너다 대이니 부촌(富村)이라.
Verse 7:
가는 곳마다 정들여 놓고 이별이 잦아서 나는 못 살겠네.

에 - 에 - -에루화 좋고 좋다
어러럼마 디여라- 내 사-랑-아

Saturday, August 17, 2013

단소 (Danso) Performance

신고산 타령(Shin-Go Mountain Wak)

A folk song from 함경도 (Ham-Kyeong province, a province in North Korea), thought to be composed in the late 19th century or early 20th century (due to its reference to a rail station).  Its original title was "어랑" 타령, from the first word in the refrain, but it is now commonly known as 신고산 타령 due to the mountain referred at the beginning of the first verse.

Information and Lyric Source: Naver Encyclopedia

Lyrics in Korean:

신고산이 우루루 함흥차 가는 소리에
구고산 큰애기 밤봇짐만 싸누나
어랑 어랑 어허야 어허야 더어야 내 사랑아

삼수갑산 머루 다래는 얼크러덜크러 졌는데
나는 언제 임을 만나 얼크러설크러 지느냐
어랑 어랑 어허야 어허야 더어야 내 사랑아

가지 마라 잡은 손 야멸차게 떼치고
갑사 댕기 팔라당 후치령 고개를 넘누낭
어랑 어랑 어허야 어허야 더어야 내 사랑아

가을 바람 소슬하니 낙엽이 우수수 지구요
귀뚜라미 슬피 울어 남은 간장을 다 썩이네
어랑 어랑 어허야 어허야 더어야 내 사랑아

단소 (Danso) Performance


뱃노래 (Sailing Song)

A folk song from 경상도 (Kyeong-Sang province) originating from work song sung by the fishermen.

Source: Naver Encylopedia

First verse and refrain in Korean:

Verse 1: 부딪치는 파도소리 잠을 깨우니 들려오는 노소리 처량도 하구나.
Refrain: 어기야 디야차 어야디야 어기여차 뱃놀이 가잔다.

단소 (Danso) Performance

경복궁 타령 (Kyeong-Bok Palace Wak)

A folk song from 경기도 (Kyeong-Ki Province) thought to be composed during the reign of 대원군 (Prince Dae-Won - during the Joseon dynasty, when a King is overthrown, as opposed to abdicate, his title is demoted to that of a prince).  According to Encyclopedia Britannica,  it is thought that this song either was a satire on the hardship created by the reconstruction of Kyeong-Bok Palace or simply a work song sung by the workers during the reconstruction of the said palace, with the latter being the more widely accepted theory.

Source: 경복궁타령 [景福宮打令] entry on Daum Encyclopedia 

Lyrics in Korean:

에헤, 남문을 열고 파루를 치니 계명산천이 밝아온다
에헤 에헤 어야 얼럴럴거리고 방아로다

에헤 을축 사월 갑자일에 경북궁을 이룩일세
에헤 에헤 어야 얼럴럴거리고 방아로다

에헤 경복궁 중건에 다 들어간다
에헤 에헤 어야 얼럴럴거리고 방아로다

에헤 도편수의 거동을 봐라 먹통을 들구선 갈팡질팡한다
에헤 에헤 어야 얼럴럴거리고 방아로다

에헤 조선 여덟도 유명탄 돌은 경북궁 짓는 데 주춧돌감이로다
에헤 에헤 어야 얼럴럴거리고 방아로다

에헤 근정전을 드높게 짓고 만조 백관이 조하를 드리네
에헤 에헤 어야 얼럴럴거리고 방아로다

Sunday, July 14, 2013

단소 (Danso) Performance and Update on Blog

상주 함창 연밥따는 노래 (Rice-planting Song of Sang-Ju Ham-Chang)

A traditional Korean song originating from a village in North Gyeong-Sang province called Sang-Ju Ham-Chang.  It was sung during the rice-planting season and is about difficulty of 시집살이 (traditionally, Korean woman moves into her husband's house when she get married, and 시집살이  is a term that loosely describes the hardship of doing house-chores and difficulty with in-laws).  Below is the text to the song in Korean (source).

상주 함창 공갈못에 연밥 따는 저 큰 아가
연밥 줄밥 내 따 주마 우리 부모 모셔(섬겨)다오.

이 배미 저 배미 다 심어 놓고 또 한 배미가 남았구나.
지가야 무슨 반달이냐 초생달이 반달이지.

고초 당초 맵다 해도 시집살이만 못 하더라.
나도야 죽어 후생가면 시집살이는 안 할라네.

문어야 대전복 손에 들고 친구 집으로 놀러 가세.
친구야 벗님은 간 곳 없고 손님떼만 모여든다.

능청능청 저 비 끝에 시누 올케 마주 앉아.
나두야 죽어 후생가면 낭군 먼저 섬길라네.

Update on Blog: Although, I still can't practice at my home, I have been able to practice a little bit at the office over the past week.  If I can continue to do so, I believe I can post these videos in semi-regular basis.    

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Blog update

Dear readers,

I am sorry for my long absence from this blog.  You may be wondering whatever happen to weekly danso post.  Unfortunately, I can no longer practice or record musical performance from home for a foreseeable future due to unforeseen hindrance ( an ******* neighbour).  I will try to get back to posting poetry entries over next couple of months and look for other types of posts I can make.

Yours Truly,
